Which one is the "anchor baby"? These new laws to fight the War on Terror and protect our security are pretty tricky, aren't they?

The mother of these two paternal (but fathered by two different men) "twins" is distraught. Sadly, she lives in Arizona and suddenly realizes that she might soon become the mother of one American baby, the son of a serial killer (released from the military prematurely) currently serving time in the Mississippi State Prison--but a "regular" American, having been born in the San Juan Islands off of the State of Washington--and the other child being what we now call an "anchor baby."
That is, one of her children, as the daughter of an illegal alien, is clearly a security risk and potential terrorist while the other will, in a couple of decades or so, target predator drones at Northern Canadian cities--and maybe die--for his country as a United States Marine. What is she to do? Can she allow them to love each other as they live together over the next few months until the one on the right is forcibly deported to Uzbekistan? (The story behind how the mother happened to do what she did to conceive these babies on the same evening is too long a story even for one of Mediawingnuts' blog postings.)
I won't discuss the complications involved in breast feeding the two babies from the same ... well, you get the drift of where this is going.
But what's really mind-boggling is that it might not only be Arizona who is looking into overriding the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution so as to separate such unfortunate babies at some future time in their young lives. There have actually been calls for Congressional hearings to look into the issue. House Minority Leader John Boehner, shockingly even more bone-headed than usual this week, said on Meet the Press, “It’s worth considering.”
Really? It’s "worth considering"?
God bless America!
Well, Joe you would make a good ficton writer. I would say it is so good I could almost believe it. I think you should start writing books, don't you think? It must run in the family, writing books. But I would say the babies are really cute, tho.
From a number one book worm
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