BP Plugs Leak with Worst Case Scenario Still an Unknown
Not Quite the Worst Case Scenario
The worst case scenario, in all honesty, would not be likely to affect the spin rate of the Milky Way Galaxy … nor would it likely even cause the entire Gulf of Mexico to explode and burn. BP’s stock should continue to rise for at least until the weekend.
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Personally, I stay awake worrying if Sagittarius A will ever become active.
It was more than a million times more "active" only 350 or so years ago--NOT 350 thousand or 350 million years ago, but sometime in the 17th Century.
Mankind somehow survived that activity, so please sleep well tonight.
(Personally, I'd worry more about the 30,000 or so nukes still residing on our own planet. And the pressure on the BP Stack-Cap too, of course.)
Dr. Joe
I think that only God would know things like that since he created and made everything, right? Yours truly from a child of the most high "God"
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