We Americans have our politicians, gangsters, movie stars, billionaires and ... oh yes, the Palins!

Normally, vice-presidential candidates (particularly the losers) fade away like everything I print just after the time duration between when I buy a new print cartridge and then have to print a job application that is really important to me--typically three weeks.
But the Palins (in particular, Sarah the Sumptuous) are indestructible. Would you believe, we will even have the inaugural (deliberately chosen word) of Sarah's own reality show to compete with the midterm elections in November. And, of course, Bristol's and Levi's on-again-off-again relationship will keep us mentally occupied between now and 2012--the year that the Mayan calender (and the earth, presumably) go pffft.
This, friends, is the United States of America. Lord love a duck!
Why do you say Todd for a short time married to the Gov of Alaska? I thought they were still married.
She was a "short time" governor. He has been married to a "long time" good looker and cover-page-of-tabloid-reader, of course.
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