Thanks to searching through Google's "Images," I found the proof that e^iPi = -1 I should have seen it immediately ... (guess [sic] I'm getting old)
This is simple, graphical and the graphic proves the assertion that e^iPi + 1 = 0 (or e^iPi = -1) upon observation. I feel foolish having thought off-hand that it would be something simple and drawn on a coordinate system of the real numbers and the imaginary numbers ... and then not having seen it immediately. I had to run (more like stumble!) into it while researching some basic geometry/trigonometry for one of my grandchildren who could probably care less.
But yes, one needs to know e^ix = cos(x) + i*sin(x) ... which I believe I showed to be true in an earlier posting.
Since four and a half nanoseconds ago

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You never know about what our grand-kids think, but they should be proud of having a grand father with with your high intelligence, Joe, because they could learn a lot from you. But you are only as old as you feel, think positive. As of for me, I would of like to have had been able to have the chance and schooling to have been what I chose to be in life, so you have been very blessed. From LMD a child of the Most High "God"
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