Michael is home, I believe!
I have no idea about what demons ... or even kinds of demons ... haunted Michael throughout his life as he grew from boyhood into man-boyhood. Something or someone had to be behind his changing pigmentation and high-pitched voice. But surely angels were behind his talent and his humility ... and maybe even his love of children simple pleasures and the destitute.
May you be blessed in Heaven forever, young Michael!
Jesus loves him!
This I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak but He is strong.
Jesus loves him!
Loves him still,
Tho he was weak ... and surely ill,
But at the end from sin he's free,
Because Jesus died upon the tree.
Jesus loves him!
He who died
Heaven's gate He opened wide;
He will wash away Michael's sins,
Let this little child come in.
Since when can't a US Army General call a US Senator, "Ma'am"?
Barbara Boxer spoke the following to an American general during the Senate hearings: "Could you say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am? It's just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title. I'd appreciate it."
Last I heard, MA'AM, you are a civil servant--much like I was for twenty years ... not royalty! If Queen Elizabeth had said that to an American Brigadier General, Britain would instantly dump its royalty in embarrassment. But no, Queen Elizabeth has an IQ above 75 and isn't likely to forget her place in the scheme of things!
Even Jesus didn't jump on his disciples when they forgot or neglected to call Him with Kingly titles!! Actually, if you recall, Ms. Boxer, He wrapped a towel around His waist and washed His disciples feet ... to demonstrate vividly how He saw His role in their lives.
I might add that, in all of my years of teaching--including teaching in a State Penitentiary--I never asked a student--or a convicted felon--to correct himself (or herself) and call me "doctor," "professor," or even "sir"!
And BTW, women in the military are called "ma'am" just as officers are called "sir" and it's considered a term of courtesy or respect.
Learn your place, Ms. Boxer; you were elected to be a SERVANT of your constituency--not Their Highness. And that includes the unborn fetuses that you so casually allow to be killed in the name of convenience. I pray for your soul and try to love you as I am commanded to love all of my enemies.
Introducing Susan Boyle's cat, Pebbles, in an actual photograph

For those of you who felt that my previous posting showing the paintings of Susan and Pebbles (separately) fell short of authenticity, here is a photo that I found on the website.
My brother (using a pseudoname of "Sweetheart" on his/her blogsite) called it "Library Meltdown." I call it just another entry on the OSPD blotter!

My dear (really!) brother, Richard, told me on that evening (May 30, 2009) that he'd been "escorted" from the library after asking the librarian if her two cats (who live at the library as a "donation" to our local PAWS organization) were "service cats" after she asked him if his dog (our Sweetie) was a "service dog." He had, on a previous visit to the library, told the librarians that our little-town library was "crap" after they told him he had arrived too late--as they were closing for the day.
I was never quite sure when he told me that story last month, but then I saw the above blotter entry in this week's issue of the North Coast News.
My brother is becoming famous. Hopefully our address here isn't listed in the "trouble" column on some EXCEL spreadsheet on the computers at the OSPD building--which resides right next door to the Ocean Shores Library. As it is, the location of the OSPD is fortunate in that an officer is usually there to accompany Richard over to the library as an armed escort until the thirty day probation period is over at the end of the month.
Now you see why I'm a Susan & Pebbles fan!
Susan Boyle
The Susan Boyle family
Like Susan Boyle, I am a rather plain looking cat-lover who's getting a little past his prime. Big difference though ... I don't sing like an angel!
We are the body of Christ ... Our bodies are indeed the temples of God!

The workers at the Home for the Destitute and Dying within the compound created by Mother Teresa [now deceased] in Calcutta greet one another with the most beautiful of local greetings .... Namaste! It reminds me of how I must regard each person with whom I come in contact--those I might regard as enemies as well as my dearest friends ... and everyone between.
"Namasté," from the beautiful Sanskrit language of India, literally means, "I bow to you." But the word really has deeper meaning: "I honor the spirit in you which is also in me," as we believe we are all one in the Holy Spirit.
I truly am not sure why this hit me so strongly, but it did.
Paul of Tarsus himself said, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives within me." He was speaking for all of us and our daily relationships should reflect this truth. Surely this Truth puts emphasis upon my previous post--and my relationships with each of the convicted felons with whom I work and all others within the state penitentiary into which Christ placed me against all odds three years ago.
God makes no mistakes!
There are no exceptions to the commands of Jesus!

You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:43-45
I have only this past week learned that I will definitely be losing my job in three weeks after only believing it was a strong possibility for more than two and a half months. My first reaction this week was to search out for someone to blame--of course, surely never myself! I immediately designated these persons (whom I don't even know) as my “enemies.”
And that took me straight to Jesus’ words above. Wow! Imagine that! "LOVE your enemies!"
But just exactly how can we love our enemies—or more broadly speaking, taking Jesus’ words as they must be implied—how can we love everyone?
We can begin by trying to to look at persons we don’t even know … without even seeing their faces. It’s basically the way we see our family members and close friends ... like when you can see deeper. You can see WHO they are far more than WHAT they are—or what they have done to us.
Has it ever happened to you? It’s more evident when there’s someone who seems sad. You look into their eyes, and it’s almost as if their whole life plays out in that split second. And when you see that pain, that hurt, in their eyes… it’s almost like you would do ANYTHING to make them happy.
It’s all you truly want. Despite everything … the hate in the world, the decisions people may make … everyone is still equal … but the factor that sets us apart is our ability to ACCEPT others.
When you can start to realize that everyone is an amazing creation of Our Lord, then we begin to realize that beauty is everywhere—that life is a miracle created by love. Only then is it easier to love everyone. When you love everyone, you want to help everyone. That’s when you can make the difference in the world, because that’s when you have an undying passion for people—all people. Once you attain that love for all, it never goes away.
Loving is not only the strongest force known to man—but also gives you a feeling of euphoria ... a feeling that causes your eyes to widen and take in everything like a sponge.
You truly love life, and you just can’t stop smiling. I only this past week learned I will be losing my job and guess what? I’m smiling with love for absolutely everyone ... and in particular, anyone who helped to bring this situation about. They were only doing what had to be done and also with and for the love of anyone affected by my job loss.
May God's perfect plan be fulfilled in LOVE ... no matter what the future brings!
Since four and a half nanoseconds ago

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