DNC redefines "putting lipstick on a pig"!

Indeed, some of the persons in attendance as the final DNC decisions were announced, called out "lipstick on a pig" repeatedly--and I tend to agree with them.
Seating Michigan and Florida Democratic Convention delegates with exactly one-half a vote each is hardly a compromise; it's downright discrimination against two states within which my family and I have lived--and Michiganders and Floridians are 100% Americans--not 50% Americans.
In either event, it seems clear now that, shy of another former parishioner buddy of Obama slipping out of the closet, Barack Obama will be the nominee of the Democratic party independent of which (Clinton or Obama) ends up getting the plurality of popular votes cast.
The DNC resolution increased the number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination to 2,118, leaving Obama just 61 to 67 (depending upon which cable news channel is on your screen) delegates away from the majority needed to secure the nomination.
For the moment it sounds like November 2000 all over again.
Of course, Hillary can still take her case to the credentials committee in July ... or to the Convention itself in August.
But OWOTO, the new "magic number" (at least today) is 2118 to secure the nomination.
It ain't over till it's over, as Yogi Berra was fond of saying ...