Libertarian or Conservative? The jury's out ...

My first (and gut) reaction to Bob Barr's nomination on the sixth ballot today (after my brother in Connecticut passed the word to me over the telephone) was ... well, I've liked what I've heard from Bob Barr lately ... but ...
He did vote for the Patriot [sic] Act and he did vote for authorizing us to enter Iraq and he was a vigorous anti-marijuana-for-medical-uses congressman in former days and ... etc. ad nausea. So I still have to wonder if the conversion from arch-conservative to libertarian (as in "liberty") has fully taken place.
In any event, I obviously admire his current rhetoric on all these issues and expect that he will do even more to support the causes articulated by Ron Paul in the Republican Debates as the summer months pass.
Besides, who other than Mike Huckabee is even breathing anything about the Fair Tax idea these days?
And he does add "charm" to the Presidential campaign, doesn't he?,
Mary Ruwart would have been a much better representative of true libertarianism although she would never garner the attention that Bob Barr will. It sounds like the LP has "sold out," much like the Democrats and Republicans have done in the past (and continue to do).
On the other hand, anyone who has seen "Borat" will appreciate the comedic genius that is Bob Barr!
I wouldn't say that the LP sold out; it simply did what it could to manage enough poll support to land in one or more of the debates--not a really terrible motive, no?
I find this very interesting. I'm a staunch Constitutionalist and am considered very Conservative within the US frame work of politics. I would much rather see Bob Barr at the helm than John McCain. I don't see Barr having much of a chance. I find it fascinating the amount of support that both Ron Paul and Barr get from liberal types. It would be a great day if either Ron Paul or Bob Barr became president of the US.
Let's do this: I'll go tell the rest of the Republican base to drop McCain and to support either Paul or Barr and you go tell the Dems to drop Obama and do the same.
Its a win-win scenario for America.
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