Saturday, October 13, 2007

Migod ... let's go for broke on this one: Republicans and Democrats unite! Override the Veto Against Health Care for ALL of Our Children!!

The choice is simple: Stand with the President and his veto or stand foursquare with the children of our nation--all of the children, poor, middle-class and rich--so that we will have 100% health coverage for every last one of them ... and a step in that direction is the SCHIP bill vetoed by the president upon the advice of his Vice President and the insurance and HMO lobbyists.

We are only 14 (Republican) votes shy of turning the clock back to "forward" ... the Time is NOW!!!

The issue isn't simply adding a few children to the millions currently covered; it's a giant step towards that which all Americans should and deep down want--coverage for them ALL!

Congress: It's up to you!

And oh yes, just for the record: the measure passed by Congress would add about 3.8 million children to the 6 million now covered, limited mostly to families with income at 300 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $62,000 for a family of four.

And guess what? The bill, as passed, would pay for it by raising tobacco taxes. Sounds like we're killing two birds with one stone here, doesn't it?


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