Friday, October 05, 2007

Well, it's just too yucking bad, Glenn Beck, because I happen to like the yucking woman!

I couldn't believe my eyes--and ears--last evening while watching Glenn Beck's limp show after coming in from teaching fairly late in the evening. Yeh, it was a rerun and was little more than a non-stop sequence of video and sound clips of Hillary Clinton laughing. Certainly listening to one clip after another made her sound odd--even fake to an extent--but I for one would rather have a happy face in the White House than some of the tired old men who are running on the Republican side.

Yes, I still stand by my letter to Dr. James Dobson re. my positive vibes from/for Mike Huckabee, but must very much take umbrage with Glenn Beck and his ilk (Jon Stewart, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh for starters) for making clearly sexist and ugly remarks about Hillary Clinton and her laugh.

I also watched the rerun of "The Daily Show" (Jon Stewart) which also played an audio/video collage of Sen. Clinton laughing while she was interviewed on several Sunday TV talkfests. She belted out some unusually long and "cackling-type" laughs in response to several serious questions and though her serious answers followed, the laugh is what remained in my mind after several such clips were played simultaneously.

The analysis of her laugh actually makes me laugh in retrospect. Isn't she the person beating every candidate in both parties at present? All of this foolish and sexist chatter about Hillary's "cackle" (okay, it did sound awful) makes me want to put her back atop my favorite candidates list.


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