Tuesday, October 09, 2007

What can I add to what's already probably on every posting in the Blogosphere? Fred Thompson passed the test.

Fred Thompson is a good addition, I think!

Yeh, he sounded a little like every other Republican on the stage (other than Ron Paul, of course), but I liked his folksy style and he seemed to have his facts lined up (more or less). Then again, being a Republican, he had to support the unsupportable war and diss nearly every social program (even Medicare and Social Security!) that both Democrats and Republicans have generally supported for a half century.

His main claim to fame, though, when all is said and done is that he kept Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani from deucing it out on the stage by standing between them--all six feet and six (or is it seven?) inches of him.

And oh yes, I might add that my up-until-this-evening-favorite Republican (Mike Wannabee Huckabee) did a little too much dancing into the far right corner for me to care much for anything he had to say--and his strong Pro-life pronouncements won't be enough for me to vote Republican even if he wins the nomination. I'll continue to wear my "I Like Mike Huckabee" badge though ... just below my "Hillary in 08" and "Go, Obama Go!" badges.

I think I like the "You Tube" format better ... (yawn!)

I'll have to pop over to my brother Richard's new site to see what his take on the affair was. Last night, he seemed to be checking out the various "keys" to the White House as articulated in a book a few years back. [Later: He has three "falses" now, with lots of "TBDs" and "we'll know next summer" thoughts on those keys. Check his thoughts out. Interesting ...]


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