Sunday, October 07, 2007

Mike Huckabee does have a "point" there, doesn't he?

Barack Obama, the likeliest next Democratic candidate for Vice-President

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee wasn't just joking, was he, when he stated that Sen. Barack Obama has a very good reason for not wearing a pin with an American flag on it? Looking at the above picture--a typical picture of Senator Obama--we see that pinning an American Flag on his chest "could be very painful," to use Huckabee's exact words.

Huckabee, who is my favorite Republican presidential candidate, is pretty well known for his sense of humor while campaigning, and he used it to put the national brouhaha over Obama's pinless lapel during campaign appearances in proper perspective.

"There are so many things we need to be talking about" other than what a candidate wears on his lapel, Huckabee said, adding that he does not wear a flag pin on his.

"A lot of people wear insignias of their fraternities," he said in a brief interview. "Now if you wore a satanic symbol, that has a relevance. That would be an issue."

Pin Mediawingnuts with a number of campaign pins today--Huckabee's, Obama's and Hillary's as starters. (Despite living right on the ocean, I seldom take a dip.) I think that my brother Richard in Connecticut is still wearing his "Evan Bayh for 2008" pin and my sister Nancy in Maryland no doubt still wears her "Bush in 2004" pin.


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