Now that I've heard the entire Dearborn debate, it's clear that the winner was ... Hillary in a landslide!
After listening to all nine of the Republican candidates go on and on ... and (yawn) on during the replay today (Wednesday is my one day off during the week what with evening classes added to my daytime schedule), it is clear to me that the only clear winner of that Republican "debate" was/is Hillary Clinton.
I really have been listening intently to just about everything that all of the candidates of both parties have had to say for maybe six months now, and it's certainly clear after some of the abuse shoved in the direction of Hillary yesterday, that ... to use her words, "she's my girl!"
She was "accused" of supporting more money to help young people get to college, extending SCHIP for all school children, for having changed her mind on the Iraq occupation after it became clear that we were up to our knees in you-know-what, and wanting to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans.
Besides what the Republican candidates accused her of in their mock debate, she has specifically stated in recent weeks some decent ideas as regards her plan to get our soldiers out of Iraq and to provide health care to Americans who really can't afford the current "system."
No, I am not a supporter of her Pro-Choice (abortion pretty much on demand) stance nor an I of the belief that stem cell research should extend to embryonic stem cell research, but she is overall more pro-life than any of the Republican candidates with their phony health care plans and support of Bush's illegitimate war in Iraq--with designs on Iran. It was clear to me after listening to them last night and again today that they are truly looking at the oil in the Middle East as a "key" to America's strength.
And oh yes, I would dearly like to see Medicare modified to cover prescription drugs as suggested by Senator Clinton.
Need I say more?
She was and is the Republican debate's clear winner--as of right now after listening to the Republican wannabees sounding off last night and again on a rebroadcast today!
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