Friday, October 19, 2007

George Bush gets it right for a change ... greets Dalai Lama and twists China's knickers, so to speak ...

Even the United Nations dissed him (thanks to the Chinese), but both the US Congress and our President quite properly gave honor to the Dalai Lama -- both for his having won the Nobel Peace Prize a couple of decades ago and now for having been awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

The New York Times wrote,
"The Congressional medal got Beijing’s knickers in such a twist that the Chinese warned of 'an extremely serious impact' on their relations with the United States. They offered no specifics. Maybe they’ll stop sending us any more lead-painted toys, defective tires, toxic toothpaste and tainted pet food. Wouldn't that be awful?"

As most of you know, the Dalai Lama is the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet and not looked upon too highly by the Chinese Government. Three cheers for our side!!

Now, wouldn't it be nice if the President were to invite Al Gore over for some tea and a chat? And why not the Congressional Medal of Honor for Al Gore while we're at it?

Uhhh ... Congress? Are you listening? ....

Or maybe we could talk the Dalai Lama into replacing Dick Cheney for the next fourteen months or so ...


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