Sunday, August 19, 2007

Things really DO come in threes, don't they?

The latest ... let's call Karl #1

My mother (coincidentally also the mother of my brother Richard in Connecticut) used to opine that things generally came in threes. Like the Trinity and Spiderman movies. Anyway, when President Bush decided to accept the resignation of Karl Rove earlier this week, I immediately thought of two other species of animals that have recently become extinct.

Only a year ago or so (in late December), the Iraqis hanged Saddam Hussein and only four hundred or so years ago, we (mankind) decided that the dodo bird was indeed extinct. One two three!

I suppose that Saddam ranks a #2 rating

And the fifty pound dodo bird makes a perfect #3

I guess the dodo bird is a little out of order here in that the mommy dodo bird would always put a rock of similar shape next to her one egg to fool the predators who feasted on her egg(s) up until about 1607 A.D. She seemed to have more common sense than either Karl or Saddam in the overall scheme of things,

So, I guess things really do come in threes, Mom; or am I missing something here?

PS: The following was the first and best rendition of the news that Karl was indeed leaving our lives and assuredly deserves the #1 ranking in the "threes" of this millennium: "Karl Rove RESIGNS!!! Karl Rove Resigns - Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead [breaking news - no irony] Short and Sweet: Rove resigns!"

Someday soon I will summarize all of the "good" things that we have as a result of Bush's brain having been in place within our "Head of State" for so very, very long.


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