Sunday, August 12, 2007

Another week watching TV from my bed in the Super 8 Motel in Shelton ...

Another weekend back home in Ocean Shores and away from “class” and another weekend to try to figure out exactly what actually happened during the week. Yes, the DOW soared and then tanked--more on that next weekend, I think. And oh yes, Mitt Romney bought the Iowa Straw polls (for what that was worth) and we had another week of watching a single scene on TV all week. Last week it was the bridge in Minnesota and this week it was some coal mine in Utah and the face of what can only be described as a southern preacher in a Mormon state asking the nation to pray to the tune of his tears over the miners trapped in his rickety coal mine that has made both him and his family millionaires over the past couple of decades.

Still, the big news was … yes … it’s the economy stupid, but no one seems to realize that when the Republicans say “robust, ” what they mean is that “the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the middle class gets squeezed out.”

So what’s really new other than that I managed to pass the physical tests that precede the written tests? The written qualifiers (and others) are next week for me to get “certification” of some sort that seems totally inconsistent with my age and size. I truly wish I were free to tell the world (you) exactly what I’m going through and why, but rules are rules. And in another week, it will be ALL OVER … and I can go back to being a teacher … of sorts.


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