Sunday, August 12, 2007

A"minor" player in a not-so-minor ordeal of the real miners.

This entire past week (or so it seems), I have been trapped in a mine/motel room with Bob Murray (photo left and/or above, depending in the size of your PC monitor) telling us just how safe his mine in Utah is/was and how its collapse was "an act of God."

And if you believe only 25% of what he has to say, I have a couple of beautiful pure-bred cats to sell to you and a beautiful two story home in Ocean Shores for sale. (Not really!)

He has ranted for the entire week about the miners being "in the hands of the Lord," about Global Warming being a "myth," about the "earthquake" which he will "prove" caused the mine to collapse. about mine safety (his have earned more than 500 violation citations per year for over a decade), his own background as a miner (yes, he claims to have lied about that too in order to get a job while underage) and ... the list goes on and on as he seems to expend more energy talking to the American public than actually helping to extract the miners trapped in his rickety mine in Utah.

He even got a major segment on Larry King Live, for God's sake!


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