The sky is falling .... the sky is falling ...

And we seem frozen to national policies that insure that the bills for a solid roof over our children and grandchildren won't be paid and they will simply sit back and wonder, "wha' happened?" The rent is long overdue!
It’s not understood yet why a major section of our country's interstate highway system collapsed just after six o'clock on Wednesday night over the Mississippi River in Minnesota. And we are still looking at an unknown number of fatalities and lifetime injuries. But one thing seems very clear to me: We really are neglecting America's physical infrastructure, and the bill appears to be coming due.
Whether it's the next bridge to fall or the next pipe to explode (under the streets of Manhattan or elsewhere), it's going to happen and happen and happen. The Reagan tax cuts that brought the richest tax brackets down by more than 50%--to be reduced again by our current Republican president--are going to make it near impossible to catch up.
While the Bushies have been telling us--as regards terrorism--that it's not if, but when ... the country is crumbling is so many ways before our eyes.
There was a special news segment on America's decomposing roads on CBS recently and they stated that the problem started roughly 20 to 25 years ago. It's not a conspiracy theory to remind ourselves that Reagan reduced the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 28% by the end of his time in office and yet no one today seems to be able to connect the two.
Can we untangle the mess pictured below?

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