Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ryan in 2048 and Lilia in 2056 ... but we need a Constitutional Amendment!

After having climbed out on a limb for Mike Huckabee, I guess it's not too early for me to start pushing for a couple of my grandchildren who are already Libertarian candidates for president for 2048 and 2056. Admittedly, Ryan (on the right but not too far right) and Lilia (below on the left but not too far left) are in the race a mite early. But not really too early if the current primary season is any gauge.

As regards Lilia though, we are going to have to change that pesky Constitution to allow such as Lilia (and Arnold Schwarzenegger) to be permitted to sit in the Oval Office, inasmuch as she was not born in the United States. It's not too early to push for an Amendment along those lines, in my humble [sic] opinion. Any US citizen in good standing with the law should be permitted to attain the job that George W. Bush holds, for heaven's sake!

That aside, they are cuties though, aren't they?


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