Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Long before Rachel Maddow even dreamed such a thing ... I predicted it to my brother Richard in Connecticut ...

Yes, I suggested even before the famous hunting "accident" or his stubbornness with Congress over wiretapping and such ... that Richard Cheney would step down so that Jeb Bush could become the interim Vice-President long enough to settle the squabble among Republican candidates [sic].

That was long before Rachel Maddow on Air America brought up a similar thought once or twice sometime back on Air America. That aside, it does seem as though Ms. Maddow really did come up with an even juicier--and very original--conspiracy theory today when she leisurely thought about Lieutenant General David Petraeus filling the "Jeb Bush role" in the original Mediawingnuts theory.

My God! It's perfect! Of course! Why else are the Republicans blowing Petraeus up to an almost-God to the electorate? Good Lord, they've turned over the entire Iraq War (spelled O-I-L) to him with little more than a whimper ... although they are writing his long-awaited September Assessment.

Even I like General Petraeus ... unless he turns himself into a shameless backer of all of our failed policies in Iraq, of course. But the questions have to be asked, don't they? Why is the White House staff preparing General Petraeus' September assessment of the surge? Why haven't the Republican big-whigs (corporate and financial interests) gotten behind even one of the current crop of Presidential wannabees? Why? Why? Why?

Why? Because they see another "Ike," that's why!

The Neocons actually HAVE A CANDIDATE and have not yet named him openly, that's all!

All that lays before us is the "whatever" that will cause Dick Cheney to resign, die, become an astronaut, whatever!

(And oh yes, wasn't Mr. Bush his own Vice-President for a couple of hours only a few weeks ago while I was in Shelton learning to crack necks and other fun passtimes?)

And Jeb Bush? I see a Petraus-Bush ticket that will cause the Clinton-Obama ticket to shake in its boots.

You read it first on Mediawingnuts ... although my brother Richard in Connecticut is the "Karl Rove" between my ears.

Lieutenant General/Vice president David Petraeus

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