Sunday, June 17, 2007

Diet pill seems to be the answer ... at least as a starter!

Alli to the rescue!

In February of this year, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals announced the FDA approval of the weight loss Orlistat in the form of a lesser dosage, 60 mg capsule, sold over-the-counter starting summer 2007. It will be called Alli and if the picture to the left makes you think you are looking in the mirror, I'd recommend Alli and everything else available (exercise, dieting and possibly surgery) to take off that extra pound or two (or two hundred if need be). It certainly looks good in all of the testing that I've read about in recent weeks.

It only blocks the absorption of fat and doesn't decrease your urge to eat, so the need for will power or a good EA Program (like AA, only more difficult) is still a reality for most of us.

And no, this is not a self-portrait of Mediawingnuts!


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