Tuesday, February 27, 2007

GQ does it for me ... I won't diss the President in this posting!

In adherence to the vows I took (more or less) in the previous posting, I will simply direct you to an excellent article in the March 2007 issue of GQ within which you will find the articles of impeachment for ... not GWB, but Richard Cheney!

My own personal reasons why this might be a better approach than going directly after Mr. Bush are (1) without Mr. Cheney around to tell him what to do, GWB would likely be a much better President and no longer someone whom we would want to impeach, (2) the new VP (if Cheney were removed from office by the Senate after impeachment) would likely be an acceptable Republican who would try to work with Congress and restore dignity to the Republican Party, (3) Cheney appears to be the brains [sic] behind the Iraq war and our oil interests there (as well as Haliburton's), thus deserving to be impeached for the suffering and death brought to so many needlessly and (4) the current Congress has pretty much promised to lay off trying to impeach Mr. Bush directly.

The GQ article make some very valid points, I believe. Also, it lays out several of the real reasons that Mr. Cheney should be impeached.


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