Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The ballots keep coming in ... George W. Bush is the absolute worst!

Al Neuharth, the former Gannett chief, USA Today founder and currently weekly columnist for that same newspaper was either on Air America or quoted on Air America (I subscribed to XM last year -- hooray!) on one of their shows -- I think it was Politically Direct but one of you (see comment) has suggested that it must have been another show -- yesterday while I was driving back from Olympia, Washington. It had to have been on Air America between 4:05 and 7:30 pm (PST) while I was on the road. Since getting the XM receiver installed in my car, that's about all I listen to. Anyway, he (Neuharth), or whoever was commentating, reminisced about a show that he or Neuharth was on about a year ago during which he discussed America's worst presidents. It should be mentioned here that Al Neuharth was a World War II hero who has met every president since Eisenhower. Anyway, at that time (a year or so ago), he listed the five worst presidents as Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Ulysses Grant, Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon. At that time he said (and wrote in a USA column) "It's very unlikely Bush can crack that list,"

Now Neuharth admits: "I was wrong. This is my mea culpa. Not only has Bush cracked that list, but he is planted firmly at the top." By top, of course, he means bottom.

[Exact quotes thanks to Google!]

Is it no wonder that Brittney Spears' bald head and the ongoing saga of Anna Nicole Smith dominate American (and maybe the world's) headlines? Who, among the corporate media, wants us to hear "Mission Accomplished" or "There is no doubt that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction" or "Stay the course" or "We must fight them there so that we don't have to fight them at home" (replayed on Air America as often as they can stomach playing old tapes of GWB's voice) or "We are embarking on a new direction in Iraq" (again, GWB's voice more recently ... but still referring to Iraq--this time in reference to "the surge")?

Yessiree, Mr. Neuharth! George W. Bush is the worst president EVER!!!


At 8:26 AM, Blogger ltr said...

What PD show was Neuharth on? I downloaded the podcast for yesterday's show and it was Gore Vidal. Last Friday's show was Steny Hoyer.

I'd like to hear it, since I'm a fan of Neuharth's autobiography from years back. And I read his USA Today commentary on Friday where he wrote about Bush. Neuharth's an icon in the newspaper industry, and I was hoping to hear an interview of sorts.

Drop me a line at ltradiomail@yahoo.com. Thanks!

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

ltr (ltradio) - I listened to Gore Vidal also as i was nearing Ocean Shores, so it was either the host or Neuharth on that program (politically direct) earlier or the previous program during which I heard the saga of his change from Bush's being in the Top Five versus being at the "top of the list."

I blogged the quotes after I got home. I tried to find anything at all that was on Air America yesterday, but it was a "Best of Politically Direct" and yes, it was Gore Vidal whom I heard (and loved).

I will write you at the email addy you provided, but haven't tracked down the quotes yet. And no, I haven't seen a copy of USA Today yet, but asked a buddy to save Sunday's issue for me.




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