Rafsahani and Khatami are the real winners in Iran's local elections from what I read ...

The photo above shows Ex-president Hashemi Rafsanjani, right, casting his ballot as another former president, Mohammad Khatami, fills in his ballot during local midterm elections at a polling station in Tehran on Friday.
An Associated Press article referred to Hashemi Rafsanjani, as an "Elder statesman" and "a mercurial cleric." Whatever he might have been or might actually be, he (Rafsanjani) seems to be playing both sides of the reformist versus the conservative movements in Iran. And, according to the AP story, he is climbing again in the political scheme of things in Iran -- particularly after local elections late last week suggested deep discontent with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's hard line.
I don't have to repeat all of the "fame" that Ahmadinejad has grabbed in the headlines by emphasizing Iran's giving the US the proverbial "finger" by continuing Iran's continuing its program of uranium enrichment (and possibly plutonium production). And his idiotic quotes on the Holocaust and other nutty comments have him on the black list of about every country in the Western World.
As for Mohammad Khatami, whom we all seemed to like, we'll just have to wait for Le Rouge et le Noir's comments to know where he (Khatami) really stands in all of this -- but he's at least seen in the photo above casting his ballot with Hashemi Rafsanjani, isn't he? They are both ex-Presidents, quite capable leaders and certainly more moderate than ...

Hi Joe,
yes it's a surprise that Khatami and Rafsanjani came together and shower the unity of these two reformists when the country is living a hell both by outside (since the stupid president words) and inside (inflation).
i dislike very terribly rafsanjani because he stole the country and put money in swiss and canada (family there). but khatami is disliked because "he didn"t do so much" but dislike is too strong for what it is. indeed the problem is khatami is a very good leader but he got NO POWER! its not a mullah power but a few mullah power i mean it's a dictatorship based on few people. somme mullahs are very nice and ayatollah as well that they won't to reform. some seyyed families too. but the fact is khatami always didn't cheat and paid very much for what he tried to do: he made very good relations with arab countries, he tried (bush didn't want to hear him) to improve relations with usa, he tried to change the country (you could see people more free). yes it would be a good choice :) rafsanjani got good points in elections but you know what happened for both elections.
it's terrible :(
the very sad point in europe is that they start to support muhjahidines ! they are terrorists and not better ideas than the people actually leading the country.
so in the country after khameiny seems to be a worst person to come. and what is sad too is if occident and any other countries come to do something, it be a hell because they are nationalists (maybe with khatami it could be different but there should be no pouity for terror people.. sadly to say) but in this way .. how it is with this president there is no choice than to move. to do something.
but wow here are hollidays
please take a good care
thank you for your words
i'll be with my family :) i love them so much
Le Rouge et le Noir -
And happy Christmas to you.
I was certainly not stating that Rafsanjani was/is an angel. He's simply a whole lot better than Mr. Ahmadinejad ... that's all.
Cheers and a great 2007 to you and your wife ...
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