According to the experts (the polls), nobody can be president in 2008

It's a conundrum of the first order for those whose lives revolve about polls (e.g., my brother Richard from Connecticut).
Clearly, the Democrats prefer Hillary Clinton to the guy with the anagram name (something like Baramo Obamistan), but she is behind both John McCain and Rudy Giuliani in polls that pit her against either one of these Republican "front-runners." But there's a hitch. Neither John McCain (let's put the entire US Army in Baghdad) nor Mr. Giuliani (supports abortion and gay rights plus a number of other issues that make the evangelical conservatives blanch) have any chance of winning the Republican nomination.
Further, polls show that the "losers" in former elections (Gore, Dole and Kerry) can't win either so I guess we'll have to see whether a loser can beat a loser (is that an oxymoron)?
I personally think either an Al Gore - Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton - Barack Obama ticket would beat anything the Republicans can scrape up in 2008 ... especially if Mr. Bush holds steady to the course he's chosen for Iraq which is still going down the toilet in a hurry -- despite the polls that show McCain and/or Giuliani able to win the general Election, even though they have no chance of being nominated. It's a shame that GWB wrecked the Bush name. Jeb is looking better every day.
Well, just ask my brother about a Blue Dog Democrat ... especially an almost Bluedogger like Evan Bayh, and it will clear up some.
hi joe,
i like very much the drawings ;)
about it we have the same problem here: the candidates try to know what want people or think and then make their program. you can even see Sarkozy speaking social and the fascists want help the french with foreign roots (that it is so well known they say "3 millions unemployed = 3 millions foreigners too much") the socialist speaking about right ideas (order, army...)
take care
note: about clinton we know her so much here . a bit because she is dynamic and ambitious and as well because her husband was with someone else. the other candidates? only gore and you know why
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