At least someone is having fun with "Iraqization" !!

I almost didn't believe it. My brother Richard from Connecticut took his eye off the target yet once again. Rummy managed one last holiday trip to his favorite war before going hunting and enjoying "civilian life" in the USA for Christmas.
Worse yet, he urged the boys there to fight until the insurgency is won. Specifically, his words were even worse than that. He said, "We feel great urgency to protect the American people from another 9/11 or a 9/11 times two or three. At the same time, we need to have the patience to see this task through to success. The consequences of failure are unacceptable. The enemy must be defeated."
Can't he see all of what has gone wrong in Iraq? We are actually about to start withdrawing our troops from the country and turn the fighting over to Nuri al-Maliki's government even though nobody but George W. Bush, his mother and Dick Cheney's hunting dog believe that the Iraqi military can control the country. Not even Rummy is that stupid!
Further, the US has had 2,756 of its finest killed in Iraq since Baghdad fell. That means that almost 96% of our battle deaths have occurred during the failed occupation rather than during the war.
Admittedly, neither Bush not Rummy are calling it "Iraqization", but it is, just the same, the equivalent of what my generation called "Vietnamization" and yes, it will produce the same ultimate outcome ... that which was to be ... will be.
I heard a member of Congress say last week that the war was "criminal" ... and he was a staunch supporter of it.
But Rummy for one and maybe even Mr. Bush (the junior) can't see what they have done.
May God help us! When we need an FDR or a Winston Churchill ... or a Ronald Reagan or even a Bill Clinton, we instead have ... a bush (lower case "b" intended) and a smiling Rummy in Baghdad.
Good luck, Nancy Pelosi; you're going to need all of the help (from God mainly) that you can get.
But in the meanwhile, get your frigging ass home, Rummy; you are an embarrassment to our troops and a disgrace to our nation.
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