Three weeks on the new job and three "once-in-a-lifetime" events!

Less than three weeks ago, during my first week at the new job on the hill, so to speak, a snowstorm forced me off of the road into a snowdrift and ditch ... and ultimately into a motel that was conveniently situated between my teaching assignment and the college for which I work. Then my second week ended with one or two (I only saw one clearly during the melee that ensued) raccoons in my bedroom in the middle of the night fighting with all seven of my cats in the same bedroom. And now endeth my third week with the worst windstorm in the history of Grays harbor County (see photo above) ... and me without electricity for up to five days according to the car radio.
This blog posting is possible only because my sister suggested that I try the library in Aberdeen (it's an hour from where I live) to check my email. I caught her on my cell phone while I was was waiting in my doctor's parking lot in Aberdeen -- I never would have thought of that on my own ... that is, of driving to the library in Aberdeen to "connect" with the world.
Oh yes ... "Hi, world!"
Sufficeth for me to state that more than a million and a half people are without power and the storm surges on the ocean were at fifty or more feet, according to the Coast Guard. That's quite a bit higher than the highest point on the little peninsula wherein lies my home in Ocean Shores, Washington.
But so that you all won't be worried about your crazy fellow blogger, although my cats and I are quite cold, we are learning to share the warmth of each others' bodies under the stack of blankets on my bed. And yes, I now have more than a half dozen battery powered lanterns from the WalMart store in Aberdeen.
Next week starts my fourth week working and teaching "on the hill." What next?
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