That last posting deserves a note ...

That last posting had an admittedly controversial "cartoon" of Jesus as an American 4-star general at its heading. Of course, none of us has ever seen Jesus of Nazareth nor have we even seen a photograph or reliable image -- unless the Shroud of Turin is authentic, which I doubt.
The best I have are illustrations, such as the one above in one or more books I read ... in particular, the Bible ... and in particular, the Savior crucified. Isn't it interested how insulted Muslims become by Danish cartoons or spoken insults (stoning was a legitimate punishment for that sort of foolishness while I was in Saudi Arabia) and how Christians look upon the insulted, spat upon, lied about, tried ... and ultimately crucified Christ with no more than a tear?
Whereas the prophet Muhammad was a successful warrior and leader, Jesus was a humble teacher who made statements like, "Blessed are the meek ..." Quite a difference! I wonder sometimes which of these persons, from whom entire branches of religion have emerged, our Pentagon regards as the spiritual leader or "hero" of their exploits.
Please accept the previous posting for what it was ... my personal belief in the complete distaste for war that seems to me to be at the center of Christ's teaching. He taught about love ... loving everyone ... and that teaching is incompatible with cluster bombs, armor piercing artillery rounds, ABMs, chemical weapons ... even bayonets, knives, bullets and ... fists.
Yes, the Old testament is filled with all of that (at a more primitive technology), but as a Christian, I believe that Christ came to enlighten! And right, wrong or just confused, I feel so enlightened.
This blog will contain no more postings containing religious arguments against war ... for those of you who feel insulted by even a cartoon showing Christ ... or are for or against posting the Ten Commandments on the walls of court rooms ... or ... well, so many of you. And me at times, I suppose. For any of you into pointing out sinners, while tabulating serial sinners, be sure to add one more to your lists for me.
Oh yes ... I break promises too, but you can be certain that I'll be mighty cherry about posting Scripture for quite a while.
May Jesus bless you all ... Muslims, Jews, atheists, New Agers, Buddhists, Hindus, ... even those of you who practice Wicca. His death on the Cross (or torture stake for the Jehovah's Witnesses among you) was his way of making war and human "judgment" obsolete.
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