Would Jesus wear a uniform -- especially a military uniform -- and carry a weapon? Should we? Some Christians of note state contradictions, I think.

I made the mistake of chatting with yet another brother of mine, Bill, who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Naturally, that raised (again) in my mind the question of whether I should have or should not have, if I had it to do all over again, belonged to the military -- in my case, as a civilian at Tan San Nhut Air Base in Vietnam and twenty years later with the Royal Saudi Air Force in Saudi Arabia?
Before I will ever again (you all remember my previous posting with some Bible verses, I'm sure) look at what I might or might not think the teachings of the Bible are, I think the following quotations of prominent Christians (found on the web) are worth reviewing:
.Pope Pius XII declared at the beginning of World War II: "Everything is gained by peace, nothing is gained by war."
.Pope Paul VI stated in 1965 during a UN assembly: "If you want to be brothers, put your weapons down. You cannot love with aggressive weapons in your hands."
.Dwight D. Eisenhower expressed his viewpoint in this way: "There is only one solution for our generation: It is the return to a life based on Christ's Sermon on the Mount."
.Martin Luther King, Jr. said in his sermon, "The Most Durable Power": "Always avoid violence. If you succumb to the temptation of using violence in your struggle, unborn generations will be recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness, and your chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos."
.Then again, former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt said: "You cannot rule a country with the Sermon on the Mount."
.A Catholic Catechism, published in 1975 in Switzerland, stated: "The injunctions in the Sermon on the Mount are not to be taken literally, as this would lead to unacceptable circumstances both in private and public life."
.The Book of Common Prayers reasoned: "It is lawful for Christian men, at the commandment of the Magistrate, to wear weapons, and serve in the wars."
.Francis A. Schaeffer said in "A Christian Manifesto": "I am not a pacifist because pacifism in this fallen world in which we live means that we desert the people who need our greatest help."
.C.S. Lewis wrote in "Mere Christianity": "Does loving your enemy mean not punishing him? No, for loving myself does not mean that I ought not to subject myself to punishment - even to death. If one had committed a murder, the right Christian thing to do would be to give yourself up to the police and be hanged. It is, therefore, in my opinion, perfectly right for a Christian judge to sentence a man to death or a Christian soldier to kill an enemy."
Complex issue, isn't it?
Yeh, I'm leaning (am already there, in fact) towards an attitude that I would be (would have been) serving my God more properly if I (had) stay(ed) clear of serving some military organization (again), yet I still feel the power of the slogan, "Support our troops," although that doesn't include my desire that we Americans remain as an occupier of Iraq, of course.
why? There seems to be a contradiction in all of this, doesn't there?
But, the verses from the Bible seem awfully powerful in that regard, in my humble opinion.
Just blogging in total confusion ...
Ecclesiastes 3:2-8
2 A time to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
3 A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
4 A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
7 A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
8 A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.
I beleive this pretty much sums up what GOD says about all issues in life.
Yort -
Yes, that is a great piece of poetry/prose, but ... Jesus never said a great deal of what is so beautifully put into the ditty.
MWN (Joe)
Very insightful pot.
hello again,
nice article :)
sometimes i am draming a strange situation: i have choice between kill 10 persons or someone else kill 20 persons. What should i do?
another exemple: you are in yougoslavia (true story) and your order is to do nothing. you disobey and save people and fire on serbians or you don't do anything and wait.
another exemple: in iraq there are people who believe americans are invaders (some behavior don't help) and some who are there to fight the freedom. you are going to kill both of them being soldier there even civilians. you go back your country and let the hell and stay and hope everything be better soon?
and so on...
yes it is terrible.
for me there is an answer but any answer should be in our heart deeply withour envy hatred , like your article about the verses.
take good care
oops i was thinking i was writing in my way too fast so i come back to write it down again the sentence i should have written:
"another exemple: in iraq there are people who believe americans are invaders (some behavior don't help) and some who are there to fight the freedom (they are not for any kind of democracy). you are going to kill both of them being soldier there even civilians. you go back your country and let the hell of the situation there OR stay and hope everything be better soon?"
le Rouge et le Noir -
Amen! I couldn't have said it better ...
MWN (Joe)
yort -
Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 was written before Jesus came along and "turned on the light," so to speak, on a darkened world. He essentially said that there is never a time for hate or a time for war, etc. ... agreed?
MWN (Joe)
Show me a scripture where Jesus said that.
yort -
I'll give you a couple of verses that cover both: "You have heard that it was said to the people long ago [Yort: like at the time when Ecclesiasteses 3 was written], 'do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' But I tell you that anyone who is even angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca' is answerable to the Sanhedran. But anyone who says "You fool!" will be in danger of the fire in Hell." Matthew (5:21-22)
MWN (Joe)
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