They took away "Commander-in-Chief" ... but we have a plan ....

It doesn't take a genius [sic] blogger to recognize the fact that women and minorities (racial, etc.) are vastly underrepresented as Commanders-in-Chief here in America. Maybe that's why ABC Television decided to drop one of its best new shows of this last season even before the new season begins. Of course, it might be difficult to find a woman as honest and having the integrity of a Richard Nixon and surely, we might have to dig deep indeed to find a woman with the intellectual capacity of George W. Bush. But we can do better than Hollywood, for goodness sakes. We have Condi Rice, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and ... if push comes to shove, we have our secret weapon to beat all secret weapons ...

PS: I am neither anti-woman, nor am I anti-African American, as might be inferred by the silliness above; it's only that Cynthia McKinney will be available after her runoff primary election against Hank Johnson on August 8 and I happen to be one of the few people around who actually admires her! She stood up against the powers that be when the rest of us were standing around like mindless goons, presumably as "patriots," [sic] in allegiance to a President that was leading us down the primrose path ... Thank you, Representative McKinney! Thank you very much!!
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