To Georgia's 4th Congressional District: Vote for Cynthia McKinney in the runoff election on August 8!!

Okay, okay! I know I am doing a 180 degrees turn-about on this, but Cynthia McKinney has been a loyal supporter of all of our dearest issues and stood fearlessly -- as few other Democrats have -- during the past six years. And no, I am NOT just reacting to the (deserved) chiding I received from one of my daughters yesterday; I truly believe that Ms. McKinney is someone who will add to the strength of progressive thinking in the House of Representatives and do more than nearly any other Congress-person to getting us dislodged from the Iraq nightmare.
Read her recent campaign promises, etc. and other campaign materials ... and judge for yourself. Her US Government site is worth viewing also. Her dissent on the FY2007 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is particularly worth reading.
At this point (yesterday's polling), she is a full 15 points behind Hank Johnson -- also a sterling candidate -- but was almost 25 points behind him only a week ago.
So to the tens of thousands of eligible voters from Georgia's 4th Congressional District who visit the Mediawingnuts blog daily, I say: Vote McKinney on August 8 -- but if she should lose, we'll all get behind Hank Johnson and maintain this important Democratic seat in Congress.

It will take a miracle for Cynthia McKinney to overcome the large deficit it seems she has to Mr. Johnson in the polls.
Of course, she has no one to blame for that but herself.
Sadly true, but then she also thinks and acts for herself too ... more than can be said for GWB, whose minders write nearly every word (or cough or sneeze) he speaks. Thank God for the few times he utters a word on his own (known as "Bushisms") and lets us peek into his gray matter ... a bit.
Thanks -- but you neglected to state whether you were voting for McKinney or Johnson ... your site suggests you just might be a progressive (aka "liberal" minded) Georgian.
MWN (Joe)
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