Okay, it's time to back off the "personal" crap and get on with the real issues, right?

Actually, you need go no further than Wikipedia's marvelous encyclopedia and read through Chapter 6 to get a chance to write your Congressman or woman and suggest an Article of Impeachment or two. Reading that Chapter (if that's what that paragraph in Wikipedia might be called) is like strolling down Memory Lane with a rattle snake in your vest pocket (blouse pocket for women).
My brother, Richard from Connecticut, believes that we should treat all persons kindly and even suggests that we love our enemies. I agree with him in principle and so I suggest that he be Impeached with Love. Jesus made similar statements when he preached his Sermon on the Mount and so I will implore all of you who might feel so inclined, to write to your Congressman or woman and ask that they draft the Articles of Impeachment with kindness and love ... to be gentle in all ways.
Does that do the trick, Richard?
Anyway, my favorite among the possible articles was highlighted by some dialog in the current movie, World Trade Center. The marine who ultimately heard the policemen's cries for help in the rubble went on to serve two tours in Iraq, but made the statement in the movie that "the marines would need good men to avenge the ..." [trade center disaster upon which he was walking].
Good movie, by the way ... see it!
Of course, we heard the President state unequivocally only yesterday that there was no connection between Iraq and/or Saddam Hussein and the World Trade Center horror. Of course, we all remember what he was saying during the runup to the Iraq invasion, don't we? He referred to "active links to Al-Qaeda" and indeed, 72% of our military as of earlier this year (who hadn't heard or read his earlier refutations of Saddam's implication in 9/11 -- or yesterday's press conference wherein he was abundantly clear) believed that we were in Iraq to "avenge 9/11."
Oh yeh, the other possibilities are endless -- ignoring the Geneva Conventions, creating a new label for certain of our enemies (unlawful combatants) so as to ignore the War Crimes Act, breaking the law vis-a-vis warrantless surveillance, involvement in leaking classified information (the Valerie Plame affair), declassifying -- and asking his subordinates to declassify classified documents -- for political purposes, mishandling the worst natural disaster of which most of us are even aware -- Katrina, ... and the list goes on and on.
But we must remember always ... to keep my brother, Richard's, admonition in mind -- be gentle and love Mr. Bush with all of your heart as you are writing the letters to your Congressmen and women.
Oh yes, the House Resolution is H.R. 635 and was introduced by Rep. John Conyers of Michigan. We still need additional representatives to agree to examining any Articles of Impeachment, so this also suggests which way to vote in November. The Republican-plus-Lieberman Party is still in control, so our votes are important.
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