Sunday, July 09, 2006

Whoops! It's getting worse for Maria Cantwell in Washington State

Whoops! It's really getting to look serious as regards US Senator Maria Cantwell's winning in November. Not only does she face the prospect of having to take on congenial and articulate Mike McGavick (see previous posting) as her Republican challenger in November, but she faces an anti-war Democrat, Mark Wilson (picture above), in the September primary.

Yes, she will likely win in the primary, but her refusal to admit that her vote for the war ... way back then ... might have been wrong ... just might hurt her among liberal Democrats who could easily leave that spot on the ballot blank. She isn't just refusing to state that it was a mistake; she isn't even stating that she might have voted differently if the intelligence had been stated accurately (i.e., Saddam's not having WMDs and not having a tie with al-Qaida -- both known today.

The party does indeed seem to be imploding ... nationwide ... just as the American people are dead set (60%) in their beliefs that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. This could have been a great year for the Democrats in the mid-year elections.

I knew that Global Warming was likely to make the polar bears extinct (a previous posting), but the heat from the infighting in the Democratic party might make Democrats extinct as well.



At 5:44 PM, Blogger Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

Looks like you worried too soon. ;->

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

Serenissima -

You are right! I'll have to post something about Mark's "turn=about." Thanks!

MWN (Joe)


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