Is Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah trying to play the role of "Israel's Osama bin Laden"?

As if the world needed another murderous madman! But Hassan Nasrallah's television interview today -- to prove that he survived the thunderous explosions upon a Hezbollah bunker yesterday -- was a direct challenge to Israel ... and maybe to the US too. Let us not forget who murdered our marines in 1983. That was Hezbollah ... although admittedly, an entirely different generation of terrorists.
But what I said in an earlier post about the cycle of hate ... continues to spin out of control. First Israel threatens Hezbollah, then Hezbollah threatens Israel, then ... and I don't recall how the current crisis even got underway. Was it the capture o the two Israeli soldiers or was it the attacks (by Israel) onto Gaza? Or something that preceded that? Or that?
But we surely cannot take Nasrallah's threats lightly. What does he mean when he says that "more surprises are to come for Israel"?
And what does Israel mean when it warns Lebanese "to flee"?
I can only guess, and I can only guess what the US response might be if either means ... (too awful to contemplate or key onto this posting)
(oh by the way ... have any of you noticed that our occupation in Iraq and the continuing carnage there has gone completely "under the radar," so to speak?)
Sage -
Word on the street (among my media "friends") is that Syria has a goodly supply of chem (biological not mentioned) weapons, and the Hezbollah is eager to get their hands on them. Syria might be cherry about handing off such weapons to the Hezbollah after all of the efforts (over the years) to reestablish more-or-less (admittedly, leaning less) normal relations with the US.
We'll see ...
MWN (Joe)
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