It's Not Fair!!!! He has the Brewers, Packers and Badgers ... and all I have are the Mariners!
My nephew, John Szabo, living in Wisconsin
Then again, he might not pray as fervently for the Brewers as his uncle does for the Mariners--and surely, the Mariners will get a greater share of wins against the Brewers after the Rapture (interleague play will be allowed in Heaven) once they make a trade or two to get Alex Rodriguez back to bring Ichiro Suzuki over the plate game after game (Ichiro will walk and steal second before A-Rod comes to the plate in the first inning of each game) while our ace, Freddie, holds the Brew-crew to about a hit and a half per game in the Heavenly Hallelujahdome.
But for now, it's JUST NOT FAIR!
Then again, he has Governor Walker up with which to put (prepositional placement borrowed from Winston Churchill) over there in Wisconsin ... so maybe it's not all that unfair.
We Need a Republican Who LOOKS Like a Republican!!

Labels: GOP
Those Republicans in the House of Representatives are Metamorphosing into Fascists!

Someone needs to grow a pair (of antlers, of course!) and stand up to the "party of no". The Republicans stance is immoral and mindless. The time of "trickle down economics" has passed. The Democrats (all Americans, really!) simply must fight back! Hammer at them for their support of Bush's tax cut long past the days since George W. Bush's presidency (Gaah!) slid into the worst Recession since the Great Depression.
We Progressives have to pick a message and stay with it. If we don't, the political landscape will turn very ugly for most Americans. We will be living in a country that will resemble the book, "Animal Farm."
The republicans want their unique version of Capitalism--called Fascism.
Oh yes, one more thing: I am NOT related to Rep. Paul Ryan (R. Wis).
Class warfare? Balderdash! Go get'em, Barack, and let them throw away an election that was theirs for the taking!
We Need the Barack Obama Who Cares ... America Needs You Back!
Take a good look at the country you have been elected to SERVE!! Narcissism and seeming elitism won't hack it.
Come back, Barack, to your roots!
That's Right! We need you to care for all that is going wrong from the unemployment to the lack of Congressional concern.
She's not really heavy; she's my Sweetheart!

Picture taken by either Nita or Klaus--friends from Germany who came to visit two or so weeks ago. And yes, Sweetie is wiggling in my arms something fierce.
Labels: summer
Until this past weekend, when I told folks that I'd taught at the University of Maryland for more than a decade ... they'd ask, "Where?"
Well, "Here and There!" was my usual reply ... and whoever heard of College Park, Maryland anyway? (which happened not be one of the actual locations that I taught for the Univ. of MD!)
And my eldest (more or less) daughter graduated from the University of Maryland ... uhh, I think ... (memory isn't one's highest suite at seventy-six ... almost seventy-seven) ... and that was but one step that pushed her forth in life to picking up her Ph.D. from the University of Washington. Come to think of it ... where's that school? Is it behind the Washington Monument or was it demolished under Mount St. Helens? Whoever heard of the Huskies or the Terps anyway?
Of course, the University of Maryland was the biggest thing going (both of the above players are Terps, of course) on the Internet this past weekend ... from Twitter to Facebook and beyond. The new uniforms are ... well ... something again! See a front shot below. By the way, they beat a former #1 in the nation NCAA powerhouse, Miami of Florida. Clearly, it was a case of mistaken identity, or something like that!
For those of you who didn't know what a Terp was ...
What if the "Rapture" were to occur in the middle of next week's GOP debate?
If only Michelle Bachmann and Rick Perry remained on the stage after a sudden disappearance of the other GOP candidates, what would be going through the minds of the rest of us who happened to be watching television and were "Left Behind"?
I've always wondered about the various possibilities (if the Rapture were to occur during the debate) and what those still standing on the stage as they gazed at the gaps in their ranks ... might be thinking.
Of course, it just might be that the only two who would disappear would be MB and RP. What would Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman do if they were still on the stage--alone or with a few others?
Fascinating thoughts race through my diseased mind ...
Since four and a half nanoseconds ago

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