Those Republicans in the House of Representatives are Metamorphosing into Fascists!

Someone needs to grow a pair (of antlers, of course!) and stand up to the "party of no". The Republicans stance is immoral and mindless. The time of "trickle down economics" has passed. The Democrats (all Americans, really!) simply must fight back! Hammer at them for their support of Bush's tax cut long past the days since George W. Bush's presidency (Gaah!) slid into the worst Recession since the Great Depression.
We Progressives have to pick a message and stay with it. If we don't, the political landscape will turn very ugly for most Americans. We will be living in a country that will resemble the book, "Animal Farm."
The republicans want their unique version of Capitalism--called Fascism.
Oh yes, one more thing: I am NOT related to Rep. Paul Ryan (R. Wis).
Class warfare? Balderdash! Go get'em, Barack, and let them throw away an election that was theirs for the taking!
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