This cartoon in the weekend paper here gave me some insight as to what the "middle" road actually looks like in this Debt Ceiling debate ....

When Republicans and Democrats see eye to eye (as they seem to be in this Cartoon) we just may be closer to the Rapture--and Armageddon shortly thereafter. When I saw this Daryl Cagle cartoon in the weekend paper, my first thought was "get down on my knees and do what the Good Book says to do." This nutty Debt Ceiling debate is beyond humor at this stage and without discussing my personal budget situation (totally dependent on both the little Social Security check and my Medicare benefits), I keep wondering why I hear absolutely nothing about the "Nuclear Option"--which simply stated, is the legality a la the Fourteenth Amendment for the President to quietly raise the Debt Ceiling by about $4 trillion as an Executive Order in recognition of the dire straits that any other choice would leave both the country and the world.
Basically, it would be something akin to Armageddon if the World's economy melts down like half of our country melted last week and that seemingly silly movie, "2012," (or, for that matter, Harold Camping's ranting) was more real than Hollywood.
Get real, Mr. President, and simply say that you'll raise the Debt Ceiling on your own on August 1, 2011 if the politicians in Congress continue to act like politicians and less like members of the rest of humanity.
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