It surely appears that Mr. Boehmer and Mr. Obama are sticking to their guns to the point of ... well what would you call it?

I for one, although not entirely in Mr. Harold Camping's arena where a date can be pulled from one's left ear every other week for the 'end of the world' or even the rapture (which predates the end of the world by roughly 1007 years, according to the King James Version of the Good Book). That Rapture, BTW, is quite likely going to be sooner than we might imagine one of these unpredicted and unforeseen days in the near future.
At least all of the Biblical signs are in place for the Tribulation to begin, and that won't happen until Jesus has gathered His own (a.k.a., the Rapture) into the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18). The English word, "Rapture," comes not from either the Greek, Aramaic, or ancient Hebrew, BTW, but from the Latin word for being "caught up."
Aren't we Bible-thumpers an arrogant bunch?
But then, just look at the Biblical signs in just the past Century--and increasing by the day, it seems: rashes of tornadoes in America (and elsewhere), earthquakes together with devastating tsunamis, Global Warming--call it what you wish, but chunks of the ice shelf north of here are breaking off that are larger than some of our states--not to mentioning the increasing size of the hole in the Ozone Layer that protects us (to an extent), and has for billions of years, economic collapse of currencies and economic stability that we had always thought was bolstered by the US dollar (actually, they are Chinese dollars now, more or less), morality collapse worldwide--and so pervasive that not one of us can be unaware of it, if not having been a part of it at some time in our seemingly more and more tumultuous years, animal species going extinct right and left (are bedbugs, fleas and the mosquitoes on the Endangered Species list yet?) and then there's the most recent "Arab Spring" ... cum summer cum autumn cum winter of 2011.
I think I'd rather have even a Tea Party member as our President than an all-out Nuclear War. And that (a Nuclear War) is more likely now than ever in my lifetime, including the JFK-standoff with Russia in 1963. Consider that Israel, Pakistan and (soon, if not already) Iran ... have WMDs. (No point in mentioning North Korea; they will likely be our next Favored Trading Partner and debtor in US currency, if China wisens up too quickly.
Now, how did I wander from the silly debate(s) ongoing between the GOP and Democratic caucuses to the Rapture which will precede yet more turmoil a la the "Left Behind" series of movies that play periodically on the religious channels of our television sets?
A connection? Someone ask Harold Camping for me ... he's bound to have an answer.
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