Jesus cheering at the prospect of a Republican/Tea Party avalanche on November 2nd

Are Republicans expected to support electing someone for their state's next Senator or their district's Member of the US House of Representatives in two and a half weeks ... who support free help for the poor, free care for the sick, redistribution of wealth (gasp), and someone who will turn the other cheek when attacked?
Hell no! (Excuse my English.)
Why? Because those are all “Socialist” ideas and “Muslim” things. Why ... they're radical to the core.
But for some of the "Christians" among you, let those of us who can think be reminded that all of those ideas (and very words) come directly from the words of Jesus in the New Testament of the Bible.
Interestingly, Republicans attack anyone who supports these things as “radical, liberal, socialist, big government” politicians who will destroy our country. (When did "liberal" or "socialist" become four-letter words?)
But isn’t it the Republicans who always flaunt their Christianity? Aren't they the folks who know of secret Government labs wherein reside mice with fully developed and functioning human brains, thanks to stem cell research--another vulgar and unchristian phrase? How could they be so far away from the teachings of Jesus? Have they even ever read more than ten pages from the New Testament Books of their precious Bibles?
In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus condemns those who refused to help the poor, heal the sick, clothe the naked and house the homeless, all of which Republicans proudly stand against, because they don’t want a “welfare state.”
If you’re a good Christian, don’t vote Republican, because they stand against Jesus’ words.
And if you're not a Christian, don't vote Republican because they stand against your belief systems too. They attack goodness and compassion and stand against those from whom most of the largest corporations and corporate interests in America would steal to the point of creating hunger, disease, nakedness, homelessness and overall poverty among them.
I realize that not all Republicans are evil; many are simply misinformed and duped by scary words like "socialism," "atheist," "radical," and "big (spoken with a low growl) government." For those among you who are Republican and generally nice folks, I recommend reading The Help--a really good novel--on November 2nd,
For your viewing and edification, I suggest Capitalism: A Love Story, produced by Michael Moore and available in DVD.
Hey Joe:
Your comments regarding GOP are appropriate, but I would remove the photo of Jesus.
You'e right! I'll find a less offensive photo.
For other viewers: I had originally posted a very bloody and upsetting snippet taken from Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ. It was as much to grab selfish attention (from blog-surfers) to the posting as to back-handedly slap the corporate interests and their political lackeys. Unfortunately, it also demeaned the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross ... and would have unnecessarily offended some Christian Republicans.
As regards the current photo, Jesus might indeed (likely) weep at the lack of concern for the hungry, naked, homeless and helpless ... but so might a few Republicans and corporate CEOs.
Hope all is well with the reception of my intent, clumsy though it may be.
I myself don't see anything wrong with the picture of Jesus, because if it wasn't for him none of us would be here to say anything and all the evil going on in this world, you don't see anything about what they do that is wrong. We all need to get to where the truth will set us free and we all need to start believing in the one that created this world before it is too late and I myself would rather be on Jesus's side then the way this world is going down the tubes. I usually don't speak out on things like this, but I think it is about time more of us do that truly believe that Jesus died on the cross for all of us even the one's that are not true believer's.
Hey, y'all! Someone besides blog-surfers must have seen this. I was asked by phone from some lady earlier today who said she was on the editorial staff at the local newspaper if I could reconstruct it as a Letter to the Editor and e-mail it to the paper's Opinion e-address she provided me over the phone.
This particularly surprised me because the "Letters to the Editor" section of the weekend newspapers said that all letters dealing with the upcoming elections had to be in their hands last week for review because their mailbox was full and they had limited space to publish letters deemed "publishable."
I did what she asked within about a half hour--but with no picture, of course.
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