No Higgs Boson yet, but blogs are NOT a poor source of credible information ... only those posted by the Tea Party movement!

The particle physics community was abuzz yesterday about a blog posted by a University of Padua (Italy) physicist and "Alien Associate Member" of the USA's Tea Party movement, saying that he's been hearing rumors (no source, of course) about a "light Higgs boson" discovery at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois.
Today, physicists worldwide have moved to quash rumours that the elusive Higgs boson - dubbed the God particle - was actually detected by a made-in-the-USA "atom smasher".
A spokesman for the Illinois branch of the “Tea Party” which claims to operate the Tevatron accelerator admitted today that scientists had made no such discovery there.
Note: The Illinois-based Tevatron is the made-in-the-USA rival to Europe's Socialistic Hadron Collider (SHC) located in a tunnel-like atom smasher passing under both France's and Switzerland's common border.
The rumors were originally made public in a blog post by an Italian particle physicist who was granted “alien” membership into the USA’s Tea Party as a result of his bogus revelation--apparently an initiation rite for non-Americans.
But a spokesman for the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) told CNN, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh (who is holding tight to the original revelation [sic]) and MSNBC: "There is no merit to the rumors of a Higgs discovery." The spokesperson for the DZero experiment at the Tevatron, told CNN: "There is no evidence yet of a Standard Model Higgs signal; more data will be needed for that.
"The rumors started by the Tea Party blog are not correct and blogs put out by the Tea Party movement in general (or as hastily scribbled on their various billboards and placards) in the US are not a reliable source of information."
No worries. I found the Higgs Boson between my sofa cushions when vacumming my couch.
Email me the photo of the evidence (vector trails) for verification. Send to
I have learned a lot from reading the Blogs, you just have to sift out the wrong from the right.From "God's country
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