Mygod! I'm babbling about four dimensions while the Gulf of Mexico is turning black with man's greed ... BP: Tell the truth!!

Dear Grandson: For the time being ignore the previous two postings. What's needed right now is for you to ignite your family and friends at school to write your Congressmen (including that jerk, Senator Lieberman, of the "Who Cares" Party) to pass legislation that stops all off-shore drilling off American coasts--including Alaska, Hawaii, Ocean Shores and Manhattan Island.
Federal wildlife officials are treating the deaths of hundreds of birds, dolphins and turtles on the Gulf Coast as only "possibly" oil-related because other factors (aside from the black goo covering the carcases) haven't been fully investigated.
The National Marine Fisheries Service said earlier today that the carcasses have all been found in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama since May 2. Samples have been sent for testing to see whether that (oh, by the way ...) little oil leak at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico helped kill the dolphins. Really? Goodness, I hadn't noticed. Someone might start to look at that "leak" about the time that both Connecticut and Ocean Shores, Washington are three feet under the oily slime that's coming ashore in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
Who has believed BP's "experts" from Day One that "only" 5,000 barrels of oil per day are leaking into the Gulf, which happens to have been (before April 20) one of America's (and the world's) most beautiful treasures?
Who in hell is kidding who? It's bad enough that corporations continue to lie to the American people about just about anything it seems, but for our Government to opt to take British Petroleum's word for the extent of the spill ... that takes the cake!
And it's not just Republicans who are bathing in the luxury of oil; the bill under consideration right now (with bipartisan support) has provisions to relieve off-shore oil drillers from even paying royalties.
Mother love a duck!

I certainly agree that they are making this oil spill not very important, because it is just a little oil right? and who cares, its only birds and all God's creatures that are dying, not us. Well wake up and smell the coffee guys and have a heart, because its really sad when money is more important, than a life.My heart goes out to all the wild life that had to die because of the oil spill.
From LMD of Ocean Shores
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