If we can't pass it without all of the sweet deals that were made, I say ... START OVER!

Wouldn't it be nice if even one Democrat made a brave statement about the sellouts that preceded the Final Senate vote
As regards the Health Reform Bill (by whatever it is called when it becomes law), I have been for it--no, make that far to the left of it almost from way back when Hillary was debating it in 1993. Hellfire, I want nothing less than free health care available for ever American!
But the way this crazy 2000 page Bill passed the Senate this past weekend ... well ...
Deals in the Senate version of the Health Care Reform Bill include:
Many, many, many sweet deals made in that last day of "debate," but Sen. Nelson (Dem Neb) drew the most criticism for securing $100 million in Medicaid dollars for his state, defended his home state advocacy yesterday and again today, saying he never asked for federal money for his state but accepted the deal "on behalf of Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman." Interestingly, the governor has come out against the funding, saying every state should be treated equally. Other anomalies in the Senate version of the Bill--by no means exhaustive, include:
• Extra Medicaid dollars for Louisiana, Massachusetts and Vermont.
• Medicare coverage for workers exposed to asbestos in Montana.
• A special exemption for Florida seniors who want to keep their Medicare Advantage plans.
... Plus many others buried in roughly 2000 pages.
If it feels like a sellout, looks like a sellout, tastes like a sellout, and smells like a sellout ... well, you take it from there!
Richard's favorite cat is showing signs of anxiety over his sudden departure.
Ralph looked much better three months ago
The first step in dealing with an anxious cat to look at the environment. Cats do not deal well with change. In times of domestic stress (such as human or canine "favorites" moving out, introducing a new family member, etc.), your cat may begin to show signs of anxiety such as excessive scratching and grooming. Introducing a new person or cat to the home also causes stress.
Giving your cat extra attention during this time can help. Often your cat will adjust in a short period of time. If not, have recently relocated animal or human return ASAP.
Of course, the new roundabout in Ocean Shores doesn't help matters any!
Richard and Sweetheart would get lost entering Ocean Shores nowadays ...
Our New $1.2 Billion (plus change) Roundabout ... Facing East
Ocean Shores used to have one 4-Way Stop Sign which was the way we gave directions, told the time and predicted the weather. Some folks were known to tie their kites and/or balloons to one of the four stop signs while they ran into the McDonald's (on the left) for a quick snack before returning to the beach directly behind me (west) as I face east looking at the current mess left by the umpteen construction companies who stole our 4-way stop and our tax monies. Now we only have two three-way stops although one is way down by the jetty and the other isn't technically in Ocean Shores. The pictured roundabout replaced our only 4-way stop!
What's next for Ocean Shores? A (shudder) traffic light?
For orientation, to the immediate left of where I am standing facing the sign is the McDonald's from whom Sweetheart received many, many "treats." Straight ahead and across Pointe Brown Road (on the right side of Chance de'la Mer) you can see the IGA parking lot and further down Chance de'la Mer you can barely see our Ace Hardware and the only liquor store this side of the Quinault Nation--both were also favorite "treat stops" for dear precious Sweetheart.
We need Sweetheart back before Christmas Eve when the next shocker hits our town which used to be known as "The Place Where Nothin' Navah Hoppin' Noway." That's the closing date for the Ocean Shores Library and our very own "Interpretive Center." Even the Ocean Shores PAWS Kennel is empty as of three weeks ago--the dogs are up in the prison where I used to work being trained in a trial "maintaining-peace-in-the-penitentiary" program. Really!
Sweetheart, where are you? Sweetheart ... Sweetheart, come back! Sweetheart ... Sweetheart ... Come baa-aa-ack!
One of my daughters believes that I haven't been presenting President and Nobel Laureate Barack Obama in a Proper and befitting light ...
Barama in Proper Light!
Thus, I would like to state that I truly believe that Mr. Obama is one of the brightest and (until I know differently) nicest persons in politics. I agree with his desire that health care (as one example) be as universal and FREE to all Americans as is possible. On that issue and other economic issues, I am almost a Neo-Socialist--and certainly do not see Neo-Socialism or tendencies in that direction as anything more than what Jesus taught 2000 years ago.
Of course, I do not consider aborting (killing) perfectly healthy fetuses as "health care," but do not see that as a meaningful current-bill-in-Congress issue ... inasmuch as abortion-on-demand, like all sin, will be with us until He (upper case "H") returns and I certainly see no way to breach the "gap" of resolving the Health Care Bill with the law of the land--that is, "Roe vs. Wade."
One step at a time ...
And surely more lives will be both saved and made more livable WITH health care reform than without it. I guess World Health Care Reform will have to wait until after His (upper case "H") Second Coming.
But to end this posting on an "Obama in a good light" way, let me quote the speech he made shortly after being literally surprised at his having won the Nobel Peace Prize:
“This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I’d been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.
To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who’ve been honored by this prize — men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.
But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it’s also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes.
That is why I’ve said that I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won’t all be met during my presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it’s recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone.
This award — and the call to action that comes with it — does not belong simply to me or my administration; it belongs to all people around the world who have fought for justice and for peace. And most of all, it belongs to you, the men and women of America, who have dared to hope and have worked so hard to make our world a little better.
So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we’ve begun together. I’m grateful that you’ve stood with me thus far, and I’m honored to continue our vital work in the years to come.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama ”
It's refreshing to hear both humble and warm words from our current president after having endured the eight years prior to January 20, 2009 during which we experienced such "pleasures" as the Iraq War ("Mission Accomplished") and the crumbling of our economy to historic depths.
Well, Serenissima ... did I say it appropriately?
Smiles Worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize
Mother Teresa (Winner in 1979) Smiles
What's wrong here?
No, the world hasn't changed all that much in the past thirty years, but our perceptions of what constitutes "peace" has obviously shifted a bit. How many of you noticed that a contingent of 30,000 U.S. soldiers headed towards Afghanistan as the first part of the latest Surge ... on the very day that our President accepted his "peace prize"?
To his credit, he mentioned that Mother Teresa was more "deserving" than himself in his acceptance speech. I would rather that he announced an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops from the Middle East -- but then, what do I know?
President Obama (Winner in 2009) Smiles
Okay ... it's not that exciting but we NEVER get into the teens in December in Ocean Shores!
No! This isn't a bogus photo--it's Duck Lake this morning taken at the NE end of Falls of Clyde Loop where the creek across the street feeds into the lake 1/4 mile from my home
Admittedly, there isn't enough ice to hold a Penny above water, but for a short while, the scene took my mind off of the screwball Health Care Bill slowly emerging from the Senate.
Maybe tomorrow I'll go back to being concerned about all of the unborn babies that soon-to-be law will kill.
Or whatever ...
The only "news" implied by today's posting is that Grays Harbor College closed down until the Winter Quarter (and forever for me!) and I obviously have time to start playing with my digital camera again. I'll start grading the finals that are stacked a foot deep in my living room on Friday or so and submit the grades electronically next week. One advantage of not having a teaching contract is that they can't fire me for dragging my feet for a while. Actually, if they would have out-and-out fired me instead of simply not recontracting me, I could sue them for age discrimination.
Being seventy-five has to be worth something, don't you think?
Aborting perfectly healthy babies in NOT health care!

Einstein said it all too well. I will be calling both of my (female) senators tomorrow. I suggest you all do the same. Whether killing innocent civilians in Iraq or (now) Afghanistan ... or murdering helpless children before they are born ... both are beyond the pale.
Whether or not such procedures are or are not in any Health Care Reform package that survives or dies in the Senate may not mean saving or failing to save a single unborn child's life, but it would put America back in the direction of reversing Roe vs. Wade--and simple humanity.
Me thinks mebbe dat Obama could/should be giving Tiger some tips on ... living!
Hopefully, this is only PaintShop Pro or PhotoShop at work ... coincidentally landing on Golf Digest's cover this week ... of all weeks!
I admire Tiger's drive and focus on the golf course. However, as a husband to his seeming "trophy wife," he's failed ... as so many of us have failed.
Hopefully, like so many of us who have gone to Jesus, sins in hand, he will choose to give his new life to Jesus and repent--for all eternity!
I'll add Tiger to my nightly prayers for a short while. If I, with my weak and sinful will and lack of focus can do it, surely Tiger Woods can! One of the books I read religiously says it best: "God is doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves."
Amen ...
Possibly not the best President in all matters that seem to matter, but a marvelous husband and father from all accounts
Obama to Announce Afganistan Exit Strategy This Evening ... Only between 30,000 and 45,000 more Troops Needed ... At Least For the Moment!

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