Thursday, July 09, 2009

Huckabee and Palin for 2012! Let's squash all of this Armageddon-2012 talk once and for all!!

What's all the malarkey about the Mayan calendar and the world ending together in 2012?

Let's begin a new age with Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin!

He's a marvelous person and ready to be president TODAY and she’s a wonderful woman PERIOD. Therefore, let me be the first to announce the next President and Vice-president of the United States.

I think we can count on them to lead the fight against Barack Obama (nice guy and some good ideas relating to caring for the least fortunate among us) and his unlawful spending, scooping up of private companies and basically continuing W's policies of mayhem in the Middle East.

They (H and P) are going to be the ones to become most prominently outspoken against P-BO, and I for one am right behind them both.

It sounds like a lot of divisiveness going on in Washington today--even between and among members of the same party(ies). What’s wrong with a pair of strong independent leaders who don’t take bribes and are against lobbying? Think about it!


At 12:22 PM, Blogger Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

So you think P-BO should've let the companies go under and the economy sink into a depression?

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

I don't see how GM being permitted under its new "freedom" (Chapyer 11) to use suppliers and labor from outside of the USA would keep us from sinking into depression.

But fear not! I'll be back with P-BO as soon as he brings our troops home and actually shows that his "stimulus" money is being spent ... for anything!!



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