Friday, July 03, 2009

466,000 in June and now we have 1 already in July. I'm with you, Sarah--let's both refuse to be dead fish just "going with the flow"!

Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin ... for three more weeks

Watch for Sarah and I to put on a full-court press and help to bring our country back to the USA we all remember ... way back then.

In the meanwhile, look at it as a situation wherein we both have walked out through the razor wire into a free and breezy "real world" of people, animals (especially cats), fluffy clouds and a loving God.

I'm still with you, Sarah ... all the way into the White House. Get as far as you can from the Lettermans and other vicious and ugly persons who will be after you with everything they've got ... persons who are frightened beyond words that you will bring common sense back into American leadership.

But for now, we could all feel your pain as you have been enduring growing personal pressures with ugly jokes about your children, legal bills, ethics investigations and a running, public feud with McCain's camp--seething with jealousy--but not including Senator McCain himself.

So what happened? Of course we were all shocked this morning to learn that Sarah Palin, in a hastily arranged news conference at her home in suburban Wasilla, said she will formally step down on July 26, and Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will be inaugurated at the governor's picnic in Fairbanks. She said she had decided against running for re-election as Alaska's governor, and believed it was best to leave office even though she had two years left to her term.

That can be interpreted as her deciding to join the rolls of unemployed so as to stand up proudly for her God, her family and her country.

Go, Sarah, GO!!!


At 6:23 AM, Blogger endcentralbs said...

Read Maureen Dowd today. If the DSM diagnosis fits, wear it like a Prada handbag. Oh and let your Van Crap lawyer running around threatening to sue bloggers that there's a new invention in this country, the First Amendment. Or does that only apply in the lower 48?

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

Gem -

Goodness! From what you wrote, there are some among you cheeky East Coast pooches who don't adore Sarah as does my sweet Uncle Joe.

But even you, Gem, would enjoy having Sarah rub your ears and go nosies with you in bed.


Sweetheart (and Uncle Joe--but no nosies in bed with him!)

At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per Saturday Night Live: Sarah, you ignorant ____ (fill in the blanks).

Always stay sweet,


At 4:30 PM, Blogger endcentralbs said...

Sweetie and U.J.
What can I say except 'only dead fish go with the flow.' Is that different than 'Lucca Brazzi sleeps with the fishes?' I get my fish metaphors mixed up.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger mediawingnuts said...

If indeed, The FBI has returned to its J. Edgar Hoover tricks and is working for the White House and Congress (as opposed to US!), then I repeat .... Go, Sarah, GO! And blast down some of the beaurocratic structure along the way.

Avoid cute puppies like Gem and Sweetheart though ... and add an amendment to the constitutional that ensures that kitty-litters from coast to coast are kept clean.



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