Sunday, June 29, 2008

We must give credit when and to whom credit is due!

The Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannities of this world may be hollering, but Mediawingnuts says, "Give credit when credit is due ... and it is!"

Yes, the destruction of one cooling tower (and the nearby plutonium producing plant, presumably) was more symbolic than real, but the cooling of relations between a rogue nation and the United States is a direct result of President Bush remaining resolute in the face of a growing nuclear threat. The trade sanctions will soon be lifted and certainly, this is one of many accomplishments of the GWB Administration.

Did I say "many"?

Yes, I did!

Besides the cooling of the situation on the Korean Peninsula, President Bush has proved correct in his assertion that the "surge" in Iraq would produce good results. I was a naysayer and happily, I was wrong. The levels of violence are down and Iraq is slowly coming under the control of the Iraqis themselves.

Also, there are numerous other accomplishments, primarily in the areas of morality and human rights. Partial birth abortion has been banned and the Defense of Marriage Act was signed into law, among other things, and for these and other accomplishments, the Bush Administration should be applauded.

Thus, for at least this moment in time ...

Applause ... applause!

Nice work, Mr. President!


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, great day! But you wrote "but the cooling of relations between a rogue nation and the United States is a direct result of President Bush remaining resolute in the face of a growing nuclear threat." Did you mean
"the warming of relations"?

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

I meant "cooling down" or "cooling off," but should have written "the warming of relations" for sure.

Thanks for the catch.


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