Will oil (gasoline) be a forgotten "fuel" fifty years (or sooner) from now?

As I understand the hype, Honda unveiled their long-awaited fuel cell-powered FCX Clarity that presumably will only emit water from its tailpipe--not accounting for the carbon emissions from the various means to produce the hydrogen. As a point of note: by and large at this time, commercial hydrogen is made from natural gas or other hydrocarbon sources and unless the hydrogen comes from a cleaner source, such as water, it is probably going to be about as bad as oil as far as carbon dioxide emissions are concerned.
If we produce hydrogen by hydrolysis of water, (using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen), it will be emission-free only if the electricity source is emission-free (wind, solar, geothermal, etc.).
thus ... for the foreseeable future, I think we can count on plenty of

to pollute our air and fatten our Saudi and other Arabian friends' pocketbooks--not to mention the fat cats in Houston and on Wall Street.
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