Saturday, July 28, 2007

Go Gonzo ... while the going is still good!

Without a doubt, as I look back over the past week, the worst event (really, a sequence of events) to have happened was the absolute debacle of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' appearance(s) before Congress. As he went through his earlier testimony, I was absolutely flabbergasted and both Richard (my brother in Connecticut) and I agreed that he looked like a lying, squirming, conniving underling in the Mafia--maybe a cousin-in-law to a lesser member of the Gambino family. He not only looked like he was lying, but then, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III (also a Bush appointee) proved that he, in fact, was lying. Mueller's sworn testimony before the Judiciary Committee directly contradicted Gonzo's obvious lies, but raised other questions about the whole affair about which Gonzo was testifying.

I watched all of this on both C-Span and CNN from my bed in the Super-8 Motel and was pretty dog-tired during my time on the mat (training is hell for a 70-plus-year old man) each of the next days.

Anyway, all of the back-and-forth relating to a strange trip to the bedside of previous Attorney General John Ashcroft is/was concerned with MY CONCERNS over the National Security Agency's secret surveillance program that led top Justice Department officials to threaten resignation a couple of years ago. I wrote a rather long posting on it previously, but it essentially involved computer searches through massive electronic databases, according to current and former "officials" who were briefed on the program.

I teach data mining technology, among other things, and know the seriousness of just about everything that the Bushies are doing in the name of "security."

It's downright scary and makes minuscule the question(s) that are being directed at whether or not Alberto Gonzales lied (again).

Mediawingnuts' take on the whole sordid affair is that we are only scratching the surface and that it affects all of us ... deeply.

It is very much a matter of ....


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