Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Should any of you wonder where this aging scientist stands on the matter of Evolution and/or/versus Intelligent Design ...

Should any of you wonder where I stand on the matter of Evolution versus Intelligent Design, the following quotation taken from the Q & A section of the online magazine, Yorigins (a neat y-zine) sums it up rather well:


A. On the contrary. If you've ever watched Disney’s Fantasia, you may recall a god casting thunderbolts down from the clouds. Lightning bolts, rainbows, and many other natural phenomena were once explained as divine intervention. Such thinking is referred to as god-of-the-gaps reasoning--attributing the mysterious to a divine hand.

But, today’s intelligent design arguments are based upon a growing body of scientific evidence concerning everything from DNA to the laws of physics; and upon our uniform and repeated experience.

Design theorists offer extensive evidence that blind, material causes are incapable of building irreducibly complex and information-rich systems. They then point out that whenever we know how such systems arose such as with an integrated circuit, a car engine, or a software program invariably a designing engineer played a role. Design theorists then extend this uniform experience to things like molecular machines and the sophisticated code needed to build even the first and simplest of cells. An increasing number of leading scholars attest that increased scientific knowledge about such things has greatly strengthened the argument for design.

You would be surprised at how often I've been called to task, so to speak, for even suggesting that Intelligent Design isn't based entirely on ignorance and a disregard for scientific inquiry.

But hey, in another thousand years or so, we'll probably all know how we came to be ... so to speak.


At 12:26 PM, Blogger terry said...

Your personal Intelligent Design may not be based on "ignorance and a disregard for scientific inquiry", but the Intelligent Design Movement is.

I feel sorry for anyone who can't see the hand of God in the universe. But I have no patience for the IDM, which is just a not-so-veiled attempt to infuse fundy religion into science.

The "science" of the IDM is not science. It's religious dogma. 500 years ago, these folks were bashing Galileo for daring to assert that the earth revolved around the sun. 100 years ago, these folks were denouncing dinosaurs as hoaxes. Today, its evolution that offends them.

Do you really think the world is only 6000 years old? And why is God not allowed to have used evolution to create this universe?

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

No, I don't believe that the earth's age is 6,000 or 10,000 or 100,000 years old. Fossil and archeological evidence is surely scientific ... as is/are irreducibly complex molecular "engines" and other ordered phenomena.

God (or whomever) who "designed" the entire shebang surely did use evolution as part of his/her "design."

What made you think that I thought otherwise?



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