Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saint Patrick ... we need you today!

If ever we needed someone to rid our country of snakes, it is NOW! I can't seem to turn on the television without learning of some new revelation of sneaky (snaky!) maneuvers in Washington relative to just about any subject under investigation there. Iraq, Iran, oil, billion dollar boon-doggles in the Middle East, indiscriminate firings of US attorneys, leaking of CIA agents' identities, peeking into Americans' e-mails and mail without probable cause, wiretaps without going through the FISA Courts, a nod and a wink from the Justice Department vis-a-vis the torture and illegal detention of "enemy combatants" ... the list is endless.

Admittedly Mr. Cheney (shown in a candid photo above) seems to be the principle villain (snake) in the swarm of vipers that have infested Washington, but a full disclosure of those who are still around (where is Rummy these days, anyway?) may take weeks to unfold, if not months. And oh yes, rumor has it that Alberto Gonzales is capable of firing just about anyone without even the President's approval or awareness.

But, should Saint Patrick show up before Saint Patty's Day is history, he might study the photo below to get a good handle on where to start as he rids our country of its snakes.

Watch out, Messieurs Bush, Cheney and Rove; you could be next on Alberto Gonzales' hit list

Hmmm ... Just imagine the Constitutional crisis that would ensue if Gonzales were to fire George W. Bush, Richard Cheney and Karl Rove before they got around to firing him! He was able to fire the US attorneys without the President's knowledge (everyone admits this now) although they were serving at "the pleasure of the President." Who knows exactly what powers Congress inadvertently gave Alberto Gonzales when they passed the Patriot Act without reading it ... a fact that every member of Congress admits to having done in the hurry to show the nation that the War on Terror was real and that they were on the front lines of that war.

Lord love a duck! Could Alberto Gonzales actually make Nancy Pelosi the President with a stroke of his (firing) pen? And that might not just be a hypothetical question!


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