Okay, I listened to Michael Savage and Richard is probably correct ...

That simple.
But he didn't say that and instead went on the offensive (prematurely, I now admit) ... and has hurt both himself and his party's chances a week from today.
Kerry said that what he intended to say was, "I can't overstress the importance of a great education. Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq."
I don't know.
I guess if you say so, Senator Kerry.
But quite frankly, it sounds like a lame and mildly dishonest afterthought and possibly shows an inherent weakness in an element of progressive/liberal philosophy ... I just don't know.
And yes, I owe my brother, Richard from Connecticut, an apology. If he thought what Mr. Kerry said was politically incorrect, I agree with him ... 100% !!!
I know that the Iraq war and occupation is wrong. The bombing and invasion were ill-timed and hurtful to Iraq, America and the rest of the world. I know that it continues to be poorly managed. I know that most, if not everything that Mr. Kerry said in my previous posting was true. But I also think that Mr. Kerry demonstrated a bit of superciliousness (maybe even arrogance) in suggesting that our military men and women are in uniform simply because they didn't make the grade intellectually. I've known too many uniformed geniuses (most of them from the enlisted ranks!) over the years to believe that kind of horse-crap.
Sadly, the Democrats (and I consider myself a Democrat) will be saddled with his foolish remark for as long as he doesn't square his shoulders and apologize. For sure, Mr. Kerry will never be nominated by his party to run for President again. We now have a JFK and a jfk ... spelled "j-e-r-k" !!!
i cant believe that you are turning your back on Kerry so quickly. 2 years ago he was your main man. Today he is j-e-r-k boy!
yort -
That's right! When I see a jerk -- and a slightly dishonest one at that -- I get angry. He had someone on his staff try to "word" his way out of what we all know he feels in his heart about the intellectual prowess of our troops.
He might be right about the Broken War we are fighting for no known cause ... but he was addressing the kids in that school about studying and not the Iraq war in his comments.
Sadly, I too have made similar stupid comments like that and I served my eleven months in Nam. I definitely warned a couple of my sons to study hard or "they would end up in the Army." In retrospect, I am ashamed of myself.
MWN (Joe)
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