I'll continue to blog, but Mediawingnuts' access to the Internet will be limited after I start my new "job"!

It's not that much of a "biggie," but I will be starting full-time work again this coming month and my access to the Internet and blogging (see above) will be restricted to the wee hours of the night/morning. I will keep up with the sad ongoing saga of our wonderful country and all of the comings and goings of my kitties ... Oh yes, the kitties ... did I say, "kitties"? ... you don't want to know! But in a sentence, both Samantha and Patricia have to be spayed and Arnold has to be neutered.
[Arnold --a.k.a. "Sweetie" -- a duplicate of dear old Sweetheart (pbuh) who survived the first Gulf War, Samantha -- a.k.a. "Claws" -- a duplicate of Furface (pbuh) who also survived the first Gulf War but with a broken back from the first scud attack (never received a Purple Heart, however), and Patricia -- a.k.a. Patricia (hmmm ... something wrong there, but I was talked out of "Oprah"!) -- are leftovers from my latest PAWS Animal Shelter volunteer work ... and impossible-to-explain escapade. Even I don't know what happened ... fully.]
I guess I didn't quite pick up the computer sciences teaching job (with tenure, believe it or not) soon enough to come to my full senses and yes, I am back to [number remains a secret] kitties in my tiny cabin in the woods on the ocean. But with a regular job (not exactly ... uhhh ... regular exactly ... but ... well, the photo at the top kinda describes it ...), I should be able to both feed all of the cats and raccoons for which I am now responsible and send more of that green stuff to my wife in Tampa than I am currently able to.
Wish me luck as I go through the "process" of becoming a member of the full-time working class again.
Yes, there will be fewer postings after about the middle of November, but I will be so enthusiastic about full-time employment and the Democrat victory on November 7 that I will possibly write the same volume of drivel in a quarter of the time -- or whatever is available.
I wish I could say more .....
so today i discovered you were looking for a job. i believed you were an army retired. in france you are retired at 55 to more than 60 for the officers.
i wish you a lot of success in your new job and enjoy it. and still be able to enjoy the presence of the kitties.
what is your new job by the way?
a few news from here... the news in this country are really big lies and even the people know it since ever. they really think people are stupid. in france is revolution almost ...
you were reading the report of the independant about uranium head bombs?
le rouge et le noir -
I wil soon teach computer literacy in a prison. I'm only 72, so have plenty of years left to give back to the world and my God all it and He have given me.
MWN (Joe)
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